Thursday, September 3, 2009

"Live Life to the Fullest"

If I had to create a bumper sticker that modeled my philosophy for life, it would be "Live life to the fullest". I chose this bumper sticker philosophy because I believe that everyone should try and get the most out of life and have fun while doing so. The way I think about it, every day is a gift and we shouldn't take advantage of it because we never know when those days will end.

My dad always tells me, "life doesn't last forever", and that's true. Life doesn't last forever and I plan on living it up while I have the chance. I always have wondered how people can be so miserable and be satisfied with it. Trying to make the best out of situations and problems keeps me going, so I always try and think positive because if you let something drag you down, then it will. I try to be as positive as I can in life and not take the time I have for granted.

I love to get out and do fun things and create new experiences with my friends and family. Without them my life would be completely boring and bland. I love camping and hiking, swimming in the summer time down in Harper's Ferry, going out to eat, visiting museums and different cities, and my favorite of all are road trips. These are all ways that I like to enjoy the life that I have and live it to the fullest.


  1. I think you have some great ways of living your life to the fullest. It's so much fun to travel and see different places, especially in the form of road trips :)

  2. I agree with Bethanie, roap trips are always fun and it is a great way to live.

  3. I agree with your dad. He's the man :)

  4. life truly is the greatest gift, but only if you live it! i really like your essay!

  5. your essay is good, and i agree with david and bethanie about road trips being fun

  6. your dad is a wise man, good job your blog looks good

  7. your dad's right about that! =] people should live life to the fullest cuz then they wont look back and wish they did sumthing that they cant do now. just live life and have fun =]

  8. We all should live life to the fullest. No one wants to look back ten years from now, and ask what if? Never let yourself regret.
